⬢ How to secure your #Telegram account. Use all of the tips below to stay safe from scammers and impersonators.

24 Nov 2023, 03:31
How to secure your #Telegram account? Use all of the tips below to stay safe from scammers and impersonators. 1️⃣ Change the default Privacy Settings of your account ➔⚙️ Settings Privacy and Security a) Phone number Set to »My Contacts« b) Calls Set to »My Contacts« c) Groups Set to »My Contacts« d) Security Two-Step Verification e) Advanced Set »Delete my account if away for« to »1 year« 2️⃣ Set unique username and profile bio ➔⚙️ Settings Edit profile a) Username b) Bio 3️⃣ Disable automatic file downloads on your account ➔⚙️ Settings Data and Storage Files a) Disable »Private Chats« b) Disable »Group Chats« c) Disable »Channels« d) If you have multiple accounts, these settings must be changed on each account. 4️⃣ Remember the golden rule: Crypto.com Team, Support, and Ambassadors will NEVER send you a private message (PM) first. Anyone doing so is a scammer. First, forward such messages to @notoscam, and then block the scammer/impersonator for your own safety.